Veterinary Care during the COVID -19 Pandemic

As we adapt to the “new normal” during the COVID-19 pandemic the way we go about our daily activities continues to evolve. Veterinary clinics are no exception. Based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control, curbside veterinary care is a model that has been adopted by many veterinary clinics. Curbside care allows clinics to continue providing care to companion animals, but also helps keep veterinary healthcare teams and pet owners protected and healthy by reducing the number of people entering the clinic.

While it may seem different and not what pet owners are used to, curbside care provides a number of benefits to you, your veterinary healthcare team, and ultimately your pet.

Under normal circumstances, veterinary clinics are busy places, with staff and pet owners coming and going all day long. Most veterinary clinics and examination rooms are small and can’t offer proper physical distancing room of 6 feet (or 2 meters). A single COVID-19 positive person coming into a busy veterinary clinic could trigger a local outbreak in the community. To help prevent this from happening, curbside veterinary care lowers that risk and protects pet owners, veterinary healthcare teams, and even your pet! If your veterinary clinic has to temporarily close due to COVID-19 exposure, you will have to find an alternative clinic or emergency hospital to provide care for your pet. While a curbside care appointment may look and feel a little different from a “normal” appointment, what goes on behind the scenes is still the same—your pet will still receive the same level of care as she does when you’re in the examination room with them!

Accessing Veterinary Care

  • For urgent matters or to make an appointment (telemedicine or in hospital) please phone 613-283-2323 
  • Please use telemedicine consultations whenever possible. We can discuss your pet’s health by telephone, FaceTime or Zoom. In some cases you will be asked to send photographs prior to the appointment. Many times medication can be dispensed by curbside pick-up or if need be your pet can be seen by a curbside drop off appointment.
  • Due to COVID and changes in protocols mean that appointment availability is reduced.
  • In many cases your pet will be admitted and you will call regarding your pet’s needs and will be asked to return later to pick your pet up
  • Emergency/urgent care appointments will be subject to an urgent care fee.
  • Emergency/urgent care patients will be triaged by a veterinary technician
  • At times, some routine services will be unavailable or restricted.

Curbside appointments may look a little different from one clinic to another, but generally they all follow the same general steps.

  • When you make an appointment, the front office staff will take a summary of the concerns you have with your pet. You may also be asked to fill out a history form in advance of your pet’s appointment. If you weren’t given a form to fill out, feel free to make notes about your pet’s condition and any concerns you have – the more detail you give, the better. If your pet is on prescription medication or you are giving them medication/supplements over the counter please send us a photo of the medication (showing the ingredients) or provide us with a detailed list.
  • When you arrive at the veterinary clinic for your appointment, you will call the reception desk ( 613-283-2323) to let us know you’ve arrived.
  • A member of our healthcare team will let you know when you can bring your pet to the front door. For everyone’s safety pets must be in a carrier or on a leash. Potentially aggressive pets must be muzzled before entering the hospital.
  • Please respect personal distancing and wear a mask when personal distancing can not be observed. If you do not have a mask we can provide one for $2.00
  • Your veterinarian will perform a physical examination and administer vaccines or perform any diagnostic tests that were agreed on beforehand (blood/urine testing, fecal tests).
  • You may be asked to return later in the day depending on what your pet’s appointment is for, or you may be asked to wait in your vehicle.
  • Your veterinarian or veterinary technician will call you with an update on your pet’s health and recommendations for tests or treatments. Additional authorized diagnostic tests or treatments will be performed after the call.
  • Your pet will be returned to you and payment will be collected. Preferred methods of payment are e-transfer and credit card payment by phone.

Medication and Food Pick-up

  • Picking up supplies such as prescription diets, flea, tick, and heartworm preventives, and prescription renewals are being done under a curbside pickup model.
  • Please allow at least 1 to 2 business days to fulfill a request for food or medication refills. Special order medication may require 7-10 days to allow for courier delivery.
  • Please order food, medications, supplies either on-line or over the phone.
  • We are experiencing both food and medication shortages, and we strongly advise that you plan accordingly. We advise clients to place approximately 1 weeks supply of food in a Ziploc bag and storing it in the freezer to allow for delayed food delivery.
  • Contactless pick up is required. Products can be delivered to your car’s truck, or left out on our porch for you to pick up.  
  • Many products are available on our on-line store and  can be delivered directly to your home. 

We have discovered that many people actually find it more convenient and faster to order their supplies either online or over the phone and then pick up the order at a predetermined time.

While curbside veterinary care looks a little different, it really is the best for everyone! Your pet is receiving the best care and at the same time it’s helping to stop the spread of COVID-19.