Payment Options

For your convenience we accept Cash, Debit, Visa, MasterCard, and PetCard. We regret that we can not accept personal/business cheques.




Payment in full is required at the time of your pet’s veterinary service visit. Regrettably, we cannot extend credit to any client.

We urge all clients to consider Pet Health Insurance as it can reduce the stress of affording veterinary care if your pet gets injured or takes ill. Today, there are many companies that offer many different pet insurance plans. Investigate them all and make sure that you get the best insurance for your needs. Remember, it is always easier to get insurance BEFORE your pet needs it.

When researching pet insurance, here are a few tips. 1. We see many more ill pets than we do injured ones. 2. Always read the small print as it lists the “exclusions” which are often not explained in detail by the sales people. 3. Pet insurance, like people insurance, does not cover ” pre-existing problems or medical issues that may be related to the pre-existing conditions”.  Therefore it is better to purchase insurance while your pet is healthy. 4. If you get insurance remember your pet is more likely to need it as they age but it is cheaper to get when they are young and healthy. 5. Some plans even include routine preventative care such as vaccinations, heart worm preventative and  elective surgeries. 6. Do your research well as there are a lot of companies to chose from.

There even are websites that compare pet insurance companies in Canada! We also have pamphlets from many of the major insurance companies.